New stuff There’s now live_auto_call_nr , which is like the regular live_auto_call , but does an exit instead of a return . You can use it when Feather or GME...
Tweaks I have updated the documentation a bunch Explanations for variously antique GameMaker versions have been moved onto separate pages, but also I added some...
Changes Minimum supported version is now GM2022 (LTS or stable), 2.3.x version has been archived. Most of the extension’s scripts have been merged back togeth...
This update has caught me off-guard so there will be a proper update after I’m done with the rest of the changes/fixes, but replacing gmlive-server executable...
Constructors no longer try to use Script.staticVar . It was good fun, but this creates a number of issues that are hard to solve in current GML Positions in err...
GML updates Did you know that any time a new thing is added to GML, I have to re-create it from scratch for GMLive? Non-4-hex escape sequences like "\u65" and "...
live_auto_call Having noticed that macros can now reference argument array (since when?), I made a macro that you can use instead a normal live_call. So, instea...
2022.11 API definitions are now updated for 2022.11. Underscores in numbers ( 1_000 ➜ 1000 ) are now supported. Binary literals ( 0b101 ➜ 5 ) are now suppor...