1.0.78 - GM2024.11 tweaks and fixes

New stuff

  • There’s now live_auto_call_nr, which is like the regular live_auto_call, but does an exit instead of a return. You can use it when Feather or GMEdit aren’t happy with you using the regular one (e.g. in a constructor).


  • All of the extension scripts/variables are now prefixed with live_ for consistency. This doesn’t affect the documented API, and should reduce clutter in your auto-complete popups.


  • The extension now uses asset_get_ids when it’s available so that “Automatically remove unused assets” doesn’t stop GMLive from seeing assets after the unused ones.
  • function F() {} inside “live” events now works like it should.
  • live_name now works inside function F() {} in events.
  • var v = function F() {} now works, but you really shouldn’t be doing that.
  • Fixed live_auto_call sometimes causing a wrong “live” snippet to be executed afterwards.
  • Fixed live constructors with : Parent() not working correctly.

Marketplace version

GM Marketplace continues to slowly fall apart and I am currently unable to upload new versions of GMLive there:

If you need the new version sooner than later, please email me with your Order ID from the purchase email and I’ll generate you an itch key.


GMLive (for GM2022+).yymps 968 kB
Version 1.0.77 9 days ago

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Incidentally, while I don't have GM Live, I still caught this post thanks to the screenshot in my email feed. -- Does emailing you thing count for any of your projects and not just this one? (I posted on the forums probably a month ago regarding Apollo.)  -- I kinda hate to just be asking about this too.

You can do that - I think I suggested that on Apollo updates at some point because I couldn’t have multiple versions on GM Marketplace.