If your room names do not match their file names (e.g. rm_some ’s file/directory are called rm_Some ) for some reason, the keys in GMRoomPack maps might also...
This update adds support for the updated tile storage format seen in 2022.8+ … I think that’s all? Might have a little code updates from bits it shares with...
2.3 Effect layers are now supported. Note that GM only exports shaders for effect types that are actually used, so make sure to have a layer with the effect app...
If you are setting up TXR for eval script for the first time, consider using the version from GitHub (click “download repository”) - it has support for...
Added an option to compress resulting JSON. When exporting to an included file, the entire file will be compressed (and can be decompressed using buffer_decompr...
Fixed an issue where exporting JSON for 2.3 projects would incorrectly prepend function <name>(){ . Gave the packer tool an icon on Windows. Gave the packer too...
This update adds GMS2.3 beta support to GMRoomPack. You'll want to remove the GMRoomPack folder from included files and import the new one. Updated: Fixed a pa...
Fixed GMRoomPack executable not accepting command-line arguments Fixed (?) interactive mode skipping "how do you want to save this" step (and going straight to...