2.3.7 updates

  • Added support for the new func(a,,b) (acting as func(a,undefined,b))
  • Added support for non-folder sub-layers
  • Added support for effect layers
  • Server now prints small notes along with HTTP status codes

Now that I’m writing this changelog, I realize that this should include ?? and ?= operators as well, but perhaps that’s for next week.


[archive] GMLive (for GMS2.3).yymps 895 kB
Version 1.0.57 Nov 29, 2021

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i'm having some issues with GML Live, I get this error: 




action number 1

of Create Event

for object <undefined>:

Variable <unknown_object>.seqtextkey_bottom(100116, -2147483648) not set before reading it.

 at gml_Script_live_preinit_init_consts (line 71) -        l_gmlConstValues = [undefined, pointer_invalid, pointer_null, path_action_stop, path_action_restart, path_action_continue, path_action_reverse, pi, NaN, infinity, GM_build_date, GM_version, GM_runtime_version, timezone_local, timezone_utc, gamespeed_fps,


gml_Script_live_preinit_init_consts (line 71)

gml_Script_live_preinit_api (line 378) -               live_preinit_init_consts();

gml_GlobalScript_GMLive (line 2069) -        live_preinit_api();

If you are using an older runtime (which doesn’t have those constants yet), you can do

#macro seqtextkey_bottom undefined

(repeat for each constant that shows this error in live_preinit_init_consts)

which runtime it's required then?

(1 edit)

GM2022.2 or newer

After so many issues with 2.3.0 it’s nice to see that since GM switched to monthly releases none of them seems to broke GMLive functionality :)

(1 edit)

In fact, nullish operator is little broken:

// nullable operator test + ds_map accessor 
show_debug_message(list[| 1] ?? "not found"); // crashes
show_debug_message(map[? "test"] ?? "not found"); // crashes

I’ve reported it during 2.3.7 beta ASAP after this feature was added, but seems that they don’t want to fix it yet…

I’ve seen this - only serves as proof that people write parsers and AST builders vastly differently.

with new intellisense and references finding they probably makes a big rewrite for syntax checking, so new bunch of bugs is incoming! :D

2.3.0 was a pretty hard update given how much of the runtime code changed - these days it’s only occasional bugs with HTML5.


This is the best add-in for GMS2 available. I've even created a template project that has this add-in loaded by default.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the updates, using this extension for all my projects.